Friday, December 18, 2009

Of Kuih..Kapit This Time :D

Wuhoo! Pictures and kuih again! :D But unfortunately, I took the pics with my mum's camera phone, so they aren't so clear. Nevertheless, introducing today's main actor ---kuih kapittt! :D

We started everything in the morning at around 7.30am, took an hour's break at 1pm, then continued until 5pm. It was really really tiring, but it was really satisfying.

This is my second time holding the molds. Apparently experienced kuih-makers hold 7 molds at a time,but I was doing very well with 5. :) My mum said she thought I could only manage 3. -_-" OK, that is my aunt beside me. She is responsible for folding the kuih. So the person who folds the kuih has to be fast, and his/her fingers must can withstand the searing hot of the kuih. Once it cools down, it will turn crispy already. So it must be folded twice while it's HOT. *Note the lady statue accompanying me at the back. :P

So after it cools down, they will be lined in the jar. Apparently current market price is RM18 for one plastic jar like this.

Wuhoo! End result. Total of 13 jars of kuih kapit with 1kg of rice flour, 40 eggs, sugar and five coconuts' milk. :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Of Kuih..

Hu hu hu...I'm gone for so long! You must be curious what I have been doing all these while, right? Haha. Before my cousin went to Singapore, it was badminton and tennis everyday with him. After that, Fiona's turn to disturb me. Hang out, work out, and not to forget, we made kuih! :D Here are some photos to make you salivate. Hehehe.

Pineapple Tarts

The jam, which took about two hours of stirring on the stove. I used to use canned-crushed pineapples, this is my first time using fresh pineapples.

Pastry. This is the way people do it when they make tarts to sell. I have an insider teaching me this time. :P Roll out the pastry on a piece of plastic so it won't stick to the chopping board. Use a special rolling pin to make the pattern, then cut out equal shapes using a plastic knife.

Wuhoo..The tarts when they're done. Apparently they taste better than those sold outside! Oh ya, the insider taught me to add a special ingredient to the pastry -- milk powder! I was surprised too.

Ok, this is Fiona's attempt to make Mickey out of raisins and the pastry. I know, it's scary.
Anyways, biggest accomplishment here, I've managed to perfect my pastry! It's flawless now. :)

Ang Koo

This is me using brute force trying to stir-fry, then crush the green bean paste.

This is the first Ang Koo out of the mould. It doesn't have color because we didn't put any.

Ang Koo after we steamed it! Ok, I know, it looks yellow. We put in sweet potato, so the color changed. Haha. My accomplishment here is I managed to make the skin to stay soft until the very next day!

Kuih Kapit

Sad to say, I didn't take any pictures. But kuih kapit was fun. Anyways, we plan to do it again, hopefully I can take some pictures this time. :)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Of Hong Kong and the Hair

So this is the VERY famous Buddha statue on Lantau Island, Hong Kong. Lantau Island is called 大嶼山 in Cantonese. The name is always mentioned in Hong Kong soaps. The aunties always say that they are going to 大嶼山 to 拜佛吃斋, now doesn't that sound familiar? Apparently, the Buddha was placed there to stop the typhoons from attacking Hong Kong. Note His hand.

And tadaa....

The picture of my hair at last. It doesn't usually look like this actually, I usually have it waxed. The wind kinda messed it up because I didn't have hair spray on. But still, this is how I look like with short hair now.

And note the tiny Buddha statue in the background. :)

And, because it takes a hundred years to load a photo with the internet connection in Alor Star, I've only managed two. :(

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Art of Shutting Up

Argh! I'm so frustrated. Why doesn't anyone listen to what I say? Or maybe I'm too strong in wanting others to follow my way. All I can do is shrug. And also, I've learned that there's no use in arguing, or even to reason. Most of the time, the best way is to just shut up.

The Movie

I went to watch 2012 last night. I was supposed to watch the 6.15pm one, but when I arrived there, it's already 6.25, so I decided to buy tickets for the 9.15pm one. There are three halls showing the same movie and the same time, yet all the tickets were sold out! Now that is shocking! This is Alor Star and it was a MONDAY night. 0.0 So me and my friend decided to wait for the reserved tickets to be released. We stood there from 8.15 until 8.45 just to get two tickets. I was getting frustrated.

The movie was good, in fact, it was really good. It made me want to cry throughout the movie. It wasn't the effects that attracted me, nor was it the plot of the movie. It was the fact that our Earth is going to undergo drastic changes, changes that will cause a massive wipeout of the human population. I'm not going to write too much about the movie, in case some of you still haven't watch it. All I have to say that the movie really serves as a reminder to all the humans on Earth that we're destroying the planet! We're like torching our own house! It's so hard to get people to understand that our planet is getting more and more sick, and Mother Nature is really angry with us.

There was once I told a friend, we should really cut down on the usage of plastic bags. Unless you're going to reuse them, don't take plastic bags from the grocery stores! If you know you're going to throw them away, why take them? You're creating a piece of rubbish just for five seconds of convenience! OK, so this friend, I told him we should use less plastic bags, he replied "I'm just not that recycle kind of person" So when are we going to take responsibility?! When are people going to realize that just one small change in your daily life, you're doing the Earth a favor! And the most ironic thing is, we live on the Earth, yet we're destroying it!

Well, I think the wait for the tickets was really worth it. And I realize that my ability to express myself in writing is deteriorating. :(

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Uh..Sorry for posting then deleting the previous post. It was too obscene, I realized.

Apart from that, I realized too that it actually hurts when somebody hates me. Wow.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Extraordinary Pantene Commercial

People, check out this piece of commercial in Youtube.

Anyway, it's super cool. But I think it deserves to be something better than a shampoo commercial.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Time Flies

Time flies, really. Today, I was asked to do a favor by going to Intec Seksyen 17 to collect transcripts. Driving along that familiar exit from Kesas Highway really brings back a lot of memories. When I reach Intec, a HUMONGOUS white building that says "Perpustakaan" greeted me. I remembered we used to go to that tiny, run-down library, where the floors are made from wood planks that creaks when you walk on it. I used to go there for a nap during lunch time. And the most memorable one was when we filmed our ghost movie there. It has been three years since I last saw Intec. Intec students now are so lucky, with that huge library to use. I suppose the air conditioner works better than the old one. So in order not to let the Mak Guard tahan me, I wore a jacket. IT WAS REALLY HOT. I wonder how we tahan-ed for a year like that last time.

Then I proceeded to drive around Seksyen 18, where the unforgettable Akasia dorms stand. That place really changed in 3 years. Last time it was only Esso petrol station right? Now they have three petrol stations in total. Behind the station, it's a really really huge Mydin supermarket. Next to the petrol station, is a newly erected mall called Ole-Ole Seksyen 18. -_-" Anyway, the mall has a bowling alley, Secret Recipe, and other decent shops. But don't worry, our favorite Giant still stands. :D See, Intec students now are really lucky. Last time, we had to borrow a car, drive to this unknown place in downtown Shah Alam for a piece of Secret Recipe cheese cake.

And then, to feed on to my nostalgic afternoon, I decided to have lunch at our even more favorite restaurant, Sri Keningau. I sat down and ordered Nasi Pattaya. Too bad they don't serve it for lunch, so I walked out again. :P Anyway, we used to love eating at this place, and not to forget the burger stall in front of it. Ayam Special Cheese. :D Walking past the 7-Eleven, I remembered last time we were sweating too much because of the jacket, so we always went to 'tumpang' 7-Eleven's air conditioner! Haha.

I remembered on the first two days of arriving at Intec, I told Pui Yeen that I will burn all my long sleeves and baju kurung in front of the guard house on the day I leave Akasia. But now, I have to admit that I do miss our Intec days....

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I'm Sorry

I'm sorry to those who gave me advice, which I ignored.
I'm sorry to those who opposed to my way of thinking, which I obviously ignored.
I'm sorry to those who said I was stupid, which I again ignored.
I'm sorry to those who looked up upon me, but I left them disappointed.
I'm sorry to those who put hopes on me, but I didn't perform as I should.
I'm sorry to spend so much money, which I didn't deserve.
I'm sorry to be so naive and rash, which I didn't realize before this.
I'm sorry to have created this mess.

I'm sorry, because I just resigned.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Salted Peanuts

Sitting on the quite uncomfortable seat of a MAS flight from Alor Star to Kuala Lumpur, I was munching away with two packets of salted peanuts in my hand. The salted peanuts made me think of my father. He used to work in KL, coming back only once every weekend. Everytime he takes the MAS plane, which is the only airline operating in Malaysia at that time, he would bring back at least a packet of peanuts for each of us kids. Although it wasn't any big of a deal, it was one of the memories I shared with my father during the days I grew up.

My father was a strong character, who never complained about the hardship he went through. He worked in KL since I was a year old and continued until I was in secondary school. After that, he went on to India, and also to Qatar, to supervise some jobs. Never I hear him complain about being lonely. That was the sacrifice my father made, to ensure that we have enough food to eat and clothes to put on. He went through the sweat and blood, the loneliness of living abroad, the sacrifice of not being able to spend so much time with his wife, kids and family. He was the hero of the family. Now that my father has accomplished so much, and brought much luxuries to my life, I ask myself, what sacrifice did I make? And what sacrifice do I plan to make? What exactly is the purpose of living this very life? What should I do so my father didn't work his butt off for nothing?

I've been sheltered from the wind and the rain all throughout my 22 years of life. I reckon that I'm the one who can withstand the most physical pain among us siblings, but what about emotional pain? I've been producing a lot of whining and complaints recently, and also signs of not being able to let go. I'm not handling problems like I should. I'm not as matured as I thought.

Quoted from the Duke University website:"Graduate work takes time and patience, a fierce commitment, and the willingness to make many personal sacrifices."

Will I be able to acheive my dreams? How much do I have to sacrifice?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I'm Still Alive

Yes, I am still alive. A lot happened during the past month, but I just didn't have the mood to write anything here. Up until today, I'm officially employed by UMBI for a month and 2 days. I like my colleagues a lot. Friendly, and they can joke and laugh like I do. :P Haha. The people are nice. But I wouldn't want to comment on the working environment. Hehe. Oh ya, they are so obssessed with Facebook here, which kinda annoys me.

I miss badminton and volleyball dearly. :( Pity can't find any kaki here.

Ok, I'm going to admit it, I miss Ann Arbor. Or maybe the people and the life there. Shrugs.

Condolences to my best friend, I understand how it hurts to have loved and lost. Stay strong. I know you will take it like a man.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Back Home, but Leaving Soon Again

Went for a ten day trip to Taiwan. Spent a total of USD 400 including air tickets! :) But then, got bed bug bites again, as a result of staying in a cheap hostel in Taipei city. Sad.

Within less than a week after the trip, I'm leaving to Cheras, KL already. Got a job offer at Hospital UKM as a research assistant. Part of the job offer, comes with a opportunity to study Masters after three months working.

I know, you will be asking, why UKM? Why not Singapore? Well, Singapore hasn't replied or anything yet. I like the project UKM offered. I feel like staying in Malaysia. So I accepted it. People may start to condemn my stupid decision. I personally think there's no right or wrong choice, it's a matter of how you see things. And remember, if it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger. I bet it will offer me a different experience compared to studying overseas. We'll see.

So here I am, in Malaysia for another 2 years, at least. :)

Monday, July 20, 2009


Okay, I don't know what to put for the title anymore. So, bear with me.

Nothing much happening to me right now, just badminton and driving around everyday. I've made two friends at badminton. One is a 13 year old girl. There is only 1 girl out of 10 boys there, so she's really happy to see me, cos she has nobody to talk to. Next is a 28 year old girl. She's a State player for Special Sports, because she's deaf and mute. She's a teacher at a special school. I like her, she's nice. And she's really good at badminton too. :)

Talking about badminton, my brother's friend's dad went to play badminton last week. He had a cardiac arrest and died on the spot. 0.0 Well, if it was up to me, I would choose to die like that too, at least I get to die doing something I like.

This Thursday morning, I'm going for a job interview! It's at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia's Molecular Biology Institute, which is called UMBI for short. Sounds so Duh. Anyways, I applied for research assistant, doing something that I quite like. :) It's the only job I applied to in Malaysia, and the other 10 jobs I applied for in Singapore have no replies. :-/ Maybe I should continue studying..Dunno..We'll see.

Had been to Penang twice, on two separate trips. I ate too much everytime. :( There goes my abs. :P The char kuey tiao is so oily that you can see oil dripping when you pick them up with chopsticks. Ok, kidding. So after the second eating spree, I came back home with food poisoning. Vomit and diarrhea for two days. I did nothing but sleeping and running to the toilet. Uh.

Monday, July 6, 2009


My best friend these days. They are the new badminton shoes I was talking about in the previous post. The left one is starting to get worn out because of my weird habit of dragging my left foot when I play badminton.

Introducing the latest member of my patung collection. I spent an hour thinking of a name for her, which made me feel like I just did something Wan Ying would do. :P Anyway, some intro. She's a hand-made doll given to me by my best friend, I think it's supposed to be my 22nd birthday present. So, she has two faces. This one is the sexy face, note the cleavage. Her name is 莎莎(Shasha).

Here's the other face, a more kampung and 乖 face. Her name is 安安 (AnAn). She's with yellow baby Pooh, if you still remember him. :)

Finally, the most important picture. My new hair with my ever so pretty face. MUAHAHA. Actually my hair's not so new anymore. It has been about three weeks since I got the haircut.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I'm supposed to take pictures of my new hairstyle, and also stuff that I've recently bought, but well, I'm too lazy. I've even borrowed a camera from my sister, and also planned on what pictures to take. I guess the weather has just make me even lazier and sluggish.

1. Went to the optometrist. She said my short-sightedness did not increase in power, it's the first time in 14 years I think. What's more, my left eye has gone down 25 degrees in power!

2. Went to the dentist. I had my wisdom tooth surgically removed. Had three stitches. Nobody told me before that it's so painful! >.<

3. Had my first tennis lesson last Thursday. The coach said I'm not bad, just that I keep twisting my wrist like what I do in badminton. That really annoyed him. Looking forward to my second lesson.

4. Paid RM180 for a one month badminton training session. It's 2 hours per day, everyday of the week except Tuesday. The coach is supposed to correct my mistakes and teach me correct footwork. The warm-ups are super duper hard, I'm surprised my asthma did not attack. But then, the price is good and I've nothing much to do at home. I can't complain more. :) Bought a pair of badminton shoes for RM 120, super comfortable, happy with the decision.

5. Re-read all of the Harry Potter books. About to finish the 7th book. Loving Harry Potter even more. By the way, in case you never knew, I had an ambition to marry Harry Potter when I was 13. Note that I don't mean the actor Daniel Radcliffe, just Harry Potter, the fictional character.

6. At last submitted my application to NTU. I applied for a job at UKM as assistant researcher. I reported to JPA too. So now my job is to wait. I might go look at websites of Singaporean companies, I might get a little lucky, who knows. Heh.

7. Still doing translation stuff for Tzu Chi, since I have extra free time. I used to download video episodes to watch before translating, but I can't anymore, since the internet connection here is 10 times slower than that in the States.

8. Before I started badminton, it was at least an hour's exercise everyday for me. I must make my slim down dream come true, which I had since 8 years ago. :P Half an hour on the treadmill, and an hour on Wii Fit.

Well, that's it for now I guess.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

A New Day Has Come

2nd June
Woke up to a very cold morning in the living room on the squeaky futon. Started packing. It was basically taking out everything from the bags and putting them back again, minus the heavy stuff which I've dumped into Huey Shann's bag. Lunch was bak zhang from the previous day. I had 'students', ie. Siew Gee, Jason, Wei Ping and Billy, learning how to wrap bak zhang from me. :D

Dinner was Madras Masala. I never realize how expensive it was until I footed the bill for my 'students' plus Pei Ying. Next was La Dolce Vita for dessert. I ordered key lime parfait, which was the biggest mistake in my life. Well, second big mistake, if you know what my biggest mistake was. :P The key lime parfait was WAY TOO SOUR that it was torturing. Sigh. Didn't do anything special on my last night at Ann Arbor, apart from the fact that I turned into a cat and was killed by curiosity.

3rd June
Woke up to a very cold morning in the living room on the squeaky futon, again, for the last time. Last shower in Ann Arbor. Last laundry. Packed up everything. Last bank and post office visit. Then went to No Thai! for lunch. First and last time I finished a plate of Pad Thai Curry Noodles all by myself. Got myself a driver to drive me to the airport.

On the way, I actually felt sad to leave Ann Arbor. I was trying to memorize everything I saw that day. Bubble Island where we used to hang out for a million times. Pinball Pete's where we always played pool and DDR. Starbucks which I bought green tea frap during my cram-for-exams periods. UGLi, a noisy and dirty library which I've grown to like. University Towers, a very run down apartment building which I've lived in for a year. The Biomedical Science building, which is made entirely out of glass. It was a pity I never got to work there. :( I was afraid that I might forget how Ann Arbor looked like. College years was the best time of my life, well, minus some undesirable incidents. Good memories created, good friends made, good life experiences gained. I am missing Ann Arbor this very second. It is so very ironic, that it was my own decision to leave Ann Arbor early, and then missing it when I left it.

Waited for 5 hours at LAX. It was not nice. I reached LAX at 7pm Ann Arbor time, which is already 10pm LA time. I had my dinner that time, which was a vegetarian burrito that was pai chiak until I suddenly missed panchero's. The flight departed from LAX at 1.40am LA time, which was already 4.40am Ann Arbor time!!! That was the time that I felt really jet-lagged. I didn't sleep until I went onto the plane, which was about 5am AA time. -_-

4th June
Reached Taipei airport. Brought back memories of when I first went to USA to study three years ago. We took a MAS flight, transitted in Taipei as well. The memories were beautiful.

5th June
I looked out of the window. Palm oil trees. Landed in KLIA at 12pm. Filled out a form saying that I embarked the plane from a WHO declared H1N1 infected area, the USA. Surprisingly, nobody did any checks on me in the airport. No temperature check, no quarantine, no nothing. Boarded a 1.55pm flight from KLIA to Alor Star.

I looked out of the window. Paddy fields this time. I am back on home soil! It was a freaking 34 degrees celcius. I came back from a place with -20 celcius winters, a 50 degree difference!

Did some unpacking. Slept at 9pm.

6th June
Woke up at 5am. Went for a haircut. It's real short now. Hehe.

And this marks the new phase of my life. I am officially a university graduate now. I am nervous about what lies ahead of me. I am not sure which path to take, and what each path offers to me. I hope this long break from studying will actually let me think over things. Goodbye Ann Arbor.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Irony of Being Alone

I have become incredibly sensitive, I realized. Small changes that interrupt my everyday routine trigger enormous emotional fluctuations. Those who are close to me, physical and non-physical, will realize this. I have begun to do things that I don't see the point of doing them. I've said things just to purposely hurt people's feelings. I start to dislike things that I've enjoyed doing previously, for example watching drama series. I've stop talking. I am starting to become another person already. I am not myself anymore.

At times, I feel so ironic. As much as I enjoy being alone, I want to talk to another person. When I'm around a bunch of friends, I long for the times when I'm alone. And when I'm alone, I start to crave talking to another person. It's like I want to leave Ann Arbor, yet at the same time, I still want to stay. When I see the sun is out, I so want to go outside to soak up the sun. But when I'm out there, the heat makes me feel so tired.

I guess my emotional imbalance started because I have too much free time. Hopefully it'll cease after I leave Ann Arbor, a place which I've grown to like and dislike at the same time...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

This Too, Will Pass

In the midst of preparing for my final exam, I suddenly thought of something to write. I still don't know whether I will end up publishing this though, cos I just realized I have five drafted posts which I never got to publish it. By the way, this Monday, I will be having my final final exam! My last ever exam I take as an undergraduate! I'm taking Cell Biology's final exam, a class that I've come to like, but I still don't think that I'm able to handle its difficulty level. I am predicting/hoping for a C+ at least for this class. *fingers crossed*

Okay, I as my title says, I want to talk about "This too, will pass". This phrase was taken from a story Ajahn Brahm told in his book, "Opening the Door of Your Heart". He's a famous Buddhist monk from England, currently residing in Perth, Australia. He graduated from Cambridge with a degree in Physics.

So whenever you are angry with a person, just tell yourself, this too will pass. Think of good memories you had with this person, and think of all the good things this person has done for you. Forget about the negative stuff, take a deep breath, and slowly, the anger will go away. And if you can't think of any good things you shared with this person, then this person is not even worth your time to be angry with.

This phrase can actually be applied to happy situations also. It reminds you that even you are very happy, having incredible moments of your lives, this too, will pass. Nothing is permanent in this world. Things come and go, and so do human lives. So be reminded that not to be so caught up with things, and let go when you are supposed to. Being happy or sad is actually in our own hands, it is controlled by our own perspectives of seeing things.

This too, will pass, can actually be applied to our studies as well. When we are too stressed with exams, tell yourself, "this too, will pass". Go get yourself a bubble tea, take a deep breath, take a shower, then only continue studying. I am proud to say that I am not so stressed out with my studies anymore. Yay! I mean compared to my first two years of college. Or maybe I'm getting lazier?

I used to be good with controlling temper, for the time period between when I was 10 up to when I was 20 I think. Recently, my temper flares easily. I need to remind myself how I ugly I look when I lose my temper. Actually, all the above applies to me as well. :P So this post serves not only as a reminder to readers, but also to myself. :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Alarm Clocks

Recently, I do not wake up to my alarm clock anymore. I shut off the alarm without me knowing it. I sleep more these days, which is 8 hours, and still feel tired during the evenings. I'm supposed to wake up at 6am to study, but when I open my eyes, it's already 8.30! I used to do 12am-6.30am sleeps during Fall semester, what happened? :( I wonder what is wrong with myself. Cell Biology exam 3 in another 45 hours...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Of Committing Suicide...

How would you feel if someone committed/attempted suicide because of you?

This question has been troubling me for a while.

Guess heart-breaks are not that easy to be healed eh?

Of Car Accidents..

Nini, remember we said we wanted two people dead in a car accident?

The next morning after you called, I saw a dead squirrel died in a pool of blood in the middle of the road. It was squashed, smothered, renyuk, kemik,FLAT. *puke*

I want to officially take back our curses.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Don't know..

I have recently thought of closing down this blog. One of the reasons being I don't have time to update, and whenever I feel like writing a post, it will be too personal. Also, I DO NOT HAVE ANY COMMENTS! No comments means nobody is reading, nobody is reading means I don't need to write anymore. Writing a diary serves the same purpose if nobody is reading. But then, I feel that there are some friends who don't stay close to me need updates about my life, for example, friends who live in Australia. :P Don't know, I'll just keep this blog, but yes, there will be less posts.

I recently feel like a clown. Everybody sees me as an entertainer, a person who is so amusing. I am seen as a person who tells A LOT of dirty jokes, a person who is happy-go-lucky. But will anybody understand what pain I go through inside? How many people are there who truly understands what I want and strive for? How many people understand why I make such decisions? How many people understand why the hell I want to graduate early, when I can stay back and take fun classes while enjoying JPA's allowance?

I am recently watching a Taiwanese series, called Bai4 Quan3 Nv3 Wang2, it's lame, but it's kinda funny. I could use a good laugh these days. Taiwanese series always leaves people with the feeling that how wonderful falling in love can be, and that how perfect can a love life can turn out to be. What rubbish.

But still..Sigh..Don't know..

Monday, January 19, 2009



Sunday, January 11, 2009


I've been trying to write something either about my winter trip or some other stuff for the past week, but I failed to. I'm just too busy.

You may ask me why I'm so busy when the semester just started. Well, school work is part of it, but not entirely. Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics of Bacteria are the two classes I'm taking for my last term in University of Michigan. Although only two classes, the readings are a lot. I really hope I can at least get a B for both of them.

Next, GRE is on February 21. But I haven't really studied for it. :( I also dunno how.

Then, I have stuff from Malaysian Cultural Night, Tzu Ching, Chinese New Year...etc... And the worse thing is, I'm still thinking of cakes and cookies to bake for Chinese New Year!!!!! @.@

I'm just overwhelmed. Sigh.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Winter Trip - Day 1&2 - MA

I have too many pictures for the trip, and the worst thing is, when I browse through them, I feel like posting all of them here! -_- I was thinking of doing the pictures according to days of my trip, and also the states I was in, so enjoy the pictures. :)

Nothing happened on the first day. We reached about 9pm and had pizza at Sue Yen's place. She had a Biochemistry exam the next morning, so she had to study and I decided to read Sue Yen's "The Tales of Beedle the Bard". Though I finished the book in a day, once again, I was impressed with JK Rowling's creativity.

The next morning, me and Shann roamed around Brandeis University while Sue Yen was having her exam.

One of the VERY few photos we took at Brandeis.

After that, we headed to Boston's Chinatown for lunch at Penang!!!! :D :D (and an infinite number of smiley faces). We had Nasi Lemak, Char Kuey Tiao, Hokkien Char Mee, Cendol, and not to forget my all time favorite, Mee Kari. Even the waiter was in disbelief how the three of us could eat so much.

Favorite Mee Kari. :D

Then, we took the train to visit MIT, one of the schools that rejected me. -_- I know, I tak cukup isi.

Boston's skyline at the back, and also Charles River, and Sue Yen on the left. I put this photo just to embarrass myself, because I look like a bald clown.

Note the tiny words saying "MASSACHVSETTS INSTITVTE OF TECHNOLOGY". I don't know why they purposely put V instead of U. Maybe it's classy to have spelling errors. :P

The famous Simmons Hall. It's the residence hall that students usually jump down from to commit suicide. Note that MIT is among the schools in US that has the highest suicidal rates.

Harvard, after MIT. It's a free bus ride away.

The book store. The only place on campus with the word "Harvard" that I can find.

Huey Shann pretending that she's a student in a Harvard classroom.

Harvard's library, which reminds me of Angell Hall at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Don't you think so? :D

An archway that says "Enter To Grow In Wisdom".

After that, we wasted some money and time at Harvard Square, then we took a train back to Waltham, where Sue Yen's school is. So that was Day 2.

You know, when I visited MIT and Harvard, I have a feeling that I want to go study there. It's a feeling like I want to buy Adidas and Nike clothes, you know? Like they are so sought after by the whole world. But the only difference is I can buy Adidas and Nike anytime, but I can't buy my way into MIT, this is the part that hurts.