Sunday, December 16, 2007

For those who are not in Ann Arbor...

I am dedicating this post specially for those who are not in Ann Arbor. Just to let you see the snow we have here~! :) Enjoy.

This is how my apartment looks like. I'm staying in one of the lower floor ones.

Plants without leaves..

A close-up image of a snowflake. I haven't seen a real one until I came to Ann Arbor.

Well, these pictures were taken when it first started to snow, so it's still kinda thin. It will be thicker around January and February. =p Anyways, thank you Huey Shann for taking the pictures for me. :) By the way, a brief update, I'm currently DONE with physics, forever. Hahah. I still have another exam to go, which is genetics on Wednesday morning.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


  1. 是不是心情不好已经成为发新帖子的借口?也许是因为我常告诉我自己,如果没发泄就不能专心读书,所以就来这里发泄一下。可能这只是个借口来让自己不内疚,或只是一个心理作用,我也不晓得。
  2. 戴佩妮唱得没错“不一定每件事都要一个解释,不一定天堂里住这一位天使,不一定的事太多,就像时间随时会停止”。
  3. 家人,还是自己的前途比较重要?我想答前途,但我不想遗憾第二次。
  4. 4.0 cGPA 真的那么诱人吗?也许是我与它的距离太远,所以我说没有。
  5. 难道,我就这样继续肥下去吗?
  6. 我想早毕业,所以可以赶快继续念硕士和博士。我要这些,纯粹是因为我抱着伟大的“我要拯救世界”的梦想?还是因为我只是要面子?
  7. 这个学期的功课真的搞到一塌糊涂,乱七八糟。不知下个学期救不救得回来。
  8. Bubble Island 卖的珍珠奶茶真的有下毒药吗?为什么我喝了每次都胡思乱想?
  9. 朋友的定义到底是什么?想了好久,想了五年了,我还找不到答案。
  10. 王力宏唱得没错 “失去了才懂得珍惜”。
  11. 这几天的马路真的有点滑,走路也比平时慢了几倍。
  12. 人家说,女孩子名字有个草字头会有特别多男孩子追求,你觉得是真的吗?
  13. 我越来越能感觉到我们之间的距离了。以前中学时还可以不顾一切的混在一起,现在,我发现了我们的差别,我们世界的不一样。我不是要排斥,也不是要归类,更不是要炫耀。只想要你做我永远的好朋友。
  14. 我一直都认为自己很没用,这就是我没有信心的一面。欢迎来到我黑暗的世界。
  15. 为什么人终是不能满足呢?
  16. 为什么我一直都想吃和睡呢?
  17. 我几时才能改掉我怕输和要面子的坏习惯呢?
  18. 朋友,要多而不是很好,还是要少但都很要好呢?
  19. 人,就是奇怪的动物。
  20. 我很想把Pinball Pete's里头的那架跳舞机买起来。

It Has Been A While..

It has been a while since I last posted stuff onto my blog, my apologies for that. I have been incredibly busy with all my school work and the exams. (People who know me will say "You always say that!", but I can assure you, that it is really true. I will be done with exams on the 19th, so that will be another week more. I will be flying to California on the 20th morning, so my next post might be after the trip I guess. :)