Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Look for the New Year

Don't you think my profile picture looks good? :D Just random. While in the process of waiting for the bug bites to go away (thank you for all the concernS :P), I just realized that 2008 is coming to an end. This year was surprisingly fast, and thus my face in the picture. Haha. Okay, I felt the same way at the end of every year.

Notice that I changed my blog title and the description for it, because I feel that people should get to know me more and the way I think. I found out that my thinking is in disagreement with a lot of people, thus resulting in my frustration, and to some extent, my tears. I might touch on some controversial issues in the future, but look beyond that, I might be trying to convey a message to you readers. Try to understand why I think in this particular way, and why I need the shower cubicle to be scrubbed at least once every two weeks. I know, the paint on the floor is peeling off due to this.

I might be very UNfashionable, sometimes a hygiene freak, but read more about what I write, and you may realize things that you never know about me, though you have known me for years.

Okay, enough of useless information. Wish you all a great 2009 ahead, and hope that everybody grows up to become a better person everyday. :) Life is short, so enjoy!