Friday, August 7, 2009

Back Home, but Leaving Soon Again

Went for a ten day trip to Taiwan. Spent a total of USD 400 including air tickets! :) But then, got bed bug bites again, as a result of staying in a cheap hostel in Taipei city. Sad.

Within less than a week after the trip, I'm leaving to Cheras, KL already. Got a job offer at Hospital UKM as a research assistant. Part of the job offer, comes with a opportunity to study Masters after three months working.

I know, you will be asking, why UKM? Why not Singapore? Well, Singapore hasn't replied or anything yet. I like the project UKM offered. I feel like staying in Malaysia. So I accepted it. People may start to condemn my stupid decision. I personally think there's no right or wrong choice, it's a matter of how you see things. And remember, if it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger. I bet it will offer me a different experience compared to studying overseas. We'll see.

So here I am, in Malaysia for another 2 years, at least. :)


  1. congrats on the marvelous job offer!!!
    hey do they pay for your masters??
    itu count as gov. job rite?
    great that everything kind of settled =)

  2. Congratulations!!
    Everything will be fine as long as you're happy with it :)

    How I wish I'm like you, knowing exactly what you want...

  3. i think that's a very good offer. there's no certainty in everything, you can always decide where you want to go again after 2 years. so, dont worry.

    eh how's taiwan food?? ^^

  4. Congrats again on the job offer.
    Just enjoy what you do and you will shine wherever you go!

  5. to sue yen: it doesn't settle as repaying JPA i think, and yes, i need to pay for the fees. but it's only rm 200 per month. :P

    to hui ean: thanks for the congrats, but no, i still do not know what i want. :( I always don't get stuff that i wish for.

    to kai li: hey, update your blog la, i totally lost contact with you already. i haven't seen you in like a thousand years. maybe i should call you one day. taiwan food was ok, but i'm already a vegetarian now, so....haha..

    to hui ying: your congrats came too late! :P thank you la. hehe. hope ann arbor is not too quiet without me. :D
